
"Welcome to Great Beginnings Academy of Orlando!"

We’re excited that you are considering Great Beginnings Academy Orlando for your child’s education. We believe Great Beginnings Academy Orlando offers students a better way to be their best.

Throughout our integrated VPK – 12th grade student experience, Great Beginnings Academy Orlando sets better standards for education. We dare to ask more of education by empowering students to chart their own course. We emphasize the wonder, joy and discovery of learning as much as the knowledge and achievement gained. Learn more about what setting better standards means to the Great Beginnings   Academy Orlando community.

No two paths to excellence are the same at Great Beginnings Academy Orlando. Our collaborative community celebrates authenticity, independent thought, and diverse achievement. As a result, students see things from different perspectives, explore new ideas, and uncover unexpected knowledge. Upon leaving Great Beginnings Academy Olando and transferring to our feeder – partner school (FMI STEM ACADEMY), our students possess both the experience and confidence to build happy, healthy, and purposeful lives.

We can’t wait to meet you and better understand the hopes and dreams you have for your child. 



Kim Upson-Bradwell, M.B.A., Ed.S.

Things to Consider...

If you have not already done so, please make an appointment to visit our campus. We would like to meet you and welcome you on a tour of our school.

This provides us an opportunity to meet one on one, answer any questions you may have.

Simply call our school office to schedule your tour.

After your campus visit, everything you need to enroll is available online. Applying is easy using our online application.

Your online application simplifies document submission.

Great Beginnings Academy Orlando works to remain an affordable private school option for K-5 students. While awaiting our decision on your application, we encourage you to look into external scholarship opportunities available to you. Click the link below to apply for a scholarship.

Testing (If Applicable)

New applicants who have not submitted previous standardized test scores are required to take an entrance test. Testing takes place on our campus and is administered by appointment.

Please call (407) 627-7488

Students who are interested in enrolling at Great Beginnings Academy Orlando must meet the following minimum requirements before being considered for admission. 

Please review this list before applying to Great Beginnings Academy Orlando.

All new student applicants must:

  • Be able to return to their previous school
  • Be free from any disciplinary action from a previous school
  • Have passed the standardized test from the school year previous to that for which they are enrolling or met grade level expectations
  • Be free from any debt to any previous school

Be of good moral character

As our goal is provide a safe, loving environment to our students and welcome new students into our family. We take each application very seriously. Our admissions panel takes time to carefully review and pray over each applicant in order to determine acceptance to the school.

You can check the status of your application at any time by calling us.

Upon acceptance, you will be guided through the final enrollment process.

Thank you for considering Great Beginnings Academy Orlando! 

Should you have further questions, please contact us!


Non-Discrimination Statement

In the spirit of Christian unity and love that Christ shows for all mankind, Great Beginnings Academy Orlando does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, national origin, or physical disability.

Students who are six by September 1st must attend school every day of the 180-day school year until their 16th birthday. Florida Statute 232.09 establishes that the parent/legal guardian of a child of compulsory age is responsible for the child’s daily school attendance.

Absences must be reported within 48 hours by telephone, written note, or email. The report must come from a parent and give the date(s) and reason for the absence. Three unexcused absences will result in the implementation of the  (Orange County Truancy Intervention Program).

Students with four unexcused absences in any marking period are to be referred by the principal/designee to the school Social Worker for intervention and possible referral to the agency designated in state law for further action. That action may include but is not limited to, referral for court action due to truancy.

Tardies are disruptive to the classroom and also have an adverse effect on a child’s educational progress. Students with repeated tardies will be asked to make up any missed work. We reserve the rights to contact the Florida Department of Children and Families for abuse of our tardy policy. We may also assign a staff member to visit the home to discuss the problem and possible solutions. The teacher of record will document all tardies from 8:01 a.m. through 8:14 a.m. Therefore, students arriving after 8:15 a.m. must report to the office before going to the classroom so that the tardy can be recorded on their attendance card. Excessive tardies may result in disciplinary action.

For a more in-depth and comprehensive list of things to consider, please read through our Parent & Student Handbook

  1. Can my 17-year-old child sign their sibling out of school? No. Regardless of age, only persons (18 yrs of age) and older that are listed on the emergency pick up list may sign a student out or write notes regarding absences or tardies.
  2. Is there a deadline to get absences excused? Parents have 2 days (48 hours) in which to report an absence.
  3. What are the acceptable reasons for an excused absence? The Attendance Policy allows eight reasons for an absence to be excused. The reasons are: Illness of student, illness of an immediate family member, death in the family, religious holidays of the student’s own faith, required court appearance, special event, scheduled medical or dental appointment, or student having, or suspected of having a communicable disease.
  4. What should I do if the school records my child’s absence as unexcused when it was an excused absence? Immediately contact the school and provide documentation with a request to have the absence corrected. Follow up with the school administrator if necessary.
  5. Can my child make up work for any absence? Make up work is allowed for ALL students if the absence is excused. Make up work is also allowed for suspensions.
  6. How much time does my child have to submit make-up work? Students are allowed two days from the date of return, to complete and submit the make-up work. However, work missed due to a suspension is due on the first day back in school after the suspension period.
  7. Will the teachers provide my child with the make-up work? Teachers will have the make-up work available but it is the student and family’s responsibility to get the make-up work. Options include accessing the work on-line, picking up the work at school or by getting notes and assignments from classmates.
  8. How do I ensure that the school has my current contact information? Immediately notify the registrar and/or guidance counselor at your school if your telephone number and/or address changes.

Reporting Child Abuse, Abandonment or Neglect All employees and agents have an affirmative duty to report all actual or suspected cases of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect. Call 1-800-96-ABUSE or report online at:

Signs of Physical Abuse The child may have unexplained bruises, welts, cuts, or other injuries, broken bones; or burns. A child experiencing physical abuse may seem withdrawn or depressed, seem afraid to go home or may run away, shy away from physical contact, be aggressive, or wear inappropriate clothing to hide injuries. 

Signs of Sexual Abuse The child may have torn, stained or bloody underwear, trouble walking or sitting, pain or itching in genital area, or a sexually transmitted disease. A child experiencing sexual abuse may have unusual knowledge of sex or act seductively, fear a particular person, seem withdrawn or depressed, gain or lose weight suddenly, shy away from physical contact, or run away from home. 

Signs of Neglect The child may have unattended medical needs, little or no supervision at home, poor hygiene, or appear underweight. A child experiencing neglect may be frequently tired or hungry, steal food, or appear overly needy for adult attention. 

Patterns of Abuse: Serious abuse usually involves a combination of factors. While a single sign may not be significant, a pattern of physical or behavioral signs is a serious indicator and should be reported. 

Liability Protections Any person, official, or institution participating in good faith in any act authorized or required by law, or reporting in good faith any instance of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect to the department or any law enforcement agency, shall be immune from any civil or criminal liability which might otherwise result by reason of such action. (F.S. 39.203) 

An employer who discloses information about a former or current employee to a prospective employer of the former or current employee upon request of the prospective employer or of the former or current employee is immune from civil liability for such disclosure or its consequences unless it is shown by clear and convincing evidence that the information disclosed by the former or current employer was knowingly false or violated any civil right of the former or current employee protected under F.S. Chapter 760. (F.S. 768.095)


In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil
rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of
race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights
Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with
disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g.,
Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or
local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice
and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027,
USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at: from any USDA office, by
calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the
complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged
discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
(ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027
form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:
mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400
Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410;
or fax: (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442;

or email:
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.



Pou tout lòt pwogram asistans nitrisyon FNS yo, ajans leta oswa lokal yo, ak sou-benefisyè
yo, yo dwe afiche Deklarasyon kont diskriminasyon sa a:
Dapre lwa sou dwa sivil federal ak règleman ak politik Depatman Agrikilti Ameriken (USDA),
enstitisyon sa a entèdi pou fè diskriminasyon sou baz ras, koulè, orijin nasyonal, sèks, andikap,
laj, oswa reprezay oswa revanj pou aktivite anvan dwa sivil yo.

Yo kapab mete enfòmasyon sou pwogram yo disponib nan lòt lang ki pa Angle. Moun ki gen
andikap ki bezwen lòt mwayen kominikasyon pou jwenn enfòmasyon sou pwogram yo (pa
egzanp, Bray, gwo lèt, kasèt odyo, Lang siy Ameriken), ta dwe kontakte responsab Ajans Eta
oswa lokal ki administre pwogram lan oswa USDA’s TARGET Center nan (202) 720-2600 (vwa
ak TTY) oswa kontakte USDA atravè Sèvis Relay Federal la nan (800) 877-8339.
Pou depoze yon plent pou diskriminasyon nan pwogram lan, yon moun k ap pote plent ta dwe
ranpli yon Fòm AD-3027, Ou kapab jwen yon Fòmilè pou Plent sou Diskriminasyon nan
Pwogram USDA a sou Entènèt nan:
ad3027-haitian-creole.pdf, nan nenpòt biwo USDA, lè w rele 866)-632-9992, oswa lè w ekri yon
lèt ki adrese bay USDA. Lèt la dwe genyen non moun k ap pote plent lan, adrès, nimewo telefòn,
ak yon deskripsyon alekri sou swadizan aksyon diskriminatwa a ak ase detay pou enfòme Asistan
Sekretè Dwa Sivil la (ASCR) sou nati ak dat yon swadizan vyolasyon dwa sivil la. Ou dwe
soumèt fòm oswa lèt AD-3027 ki ranpli nan USDA pa:

(1) pa lapòs:
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; oswa
(2) faks:
(833) 256-1665 oswa (202) 690-7442; oswa
(3) imèl:

Enstitisyon sa a se yon founisè opòtinite egalego.



Para todos los demás programas de asistencia de nutrición del FNS, agencias estatales o
locales y sus subreceptores, deben publicar la siguiente Declaración de No Discriminación:
De acuerdo con la ley federal de derechos civiles y las normas y políticas de derechos civiles del
Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos (USDA), esta entidad está prohibida de
discriminar por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, discapacidad, edad, o represalia o
retorsión por actividades previas de derechos civiles.

La información sobre el programa puede estar disponible en otros idiomas que no sean el inglés.
Las personas con discapacidades que requieren medios alternos de comunicación para obtener la
información del programa (por ejemplo, Braille, letra grande, cinta de audio, lenguaje de señas
americano (ASL), etc.) deben comunicarse con la agencia local o estatal responsable de
administrar el programa o con el Centro TARGET del USDA al (202) 720-2600 (voz y TTY) o
comuníquese con el USDA a través del Servicio Federal de Retransmisión al (800) 877-8339.
Para presentar una queja por discriminación en el programa, el reclamante debe llenar un
formulario AD-3027, formulario de queja por discriminación en el programa del USDA, el cual
puede obtenerse en línea en:
Complaint-Form-Spanish-ad-3027s.pdf, de cualquier oficina de USDA, llamando al (866)
632-9992, o escribiendo una carta dirigida a USDA. La carta debe contener el nombre del
demandante, la dirección, el número de teléfono y una descripción escrita de la acción
discriminatoria alegada con suficiente detalle para informar al Subsecretario de Derechos Civiles
(ASCR) sobre la naturaleza y fecha de una presunta violación de derechos civiles. El formulario
AD-3027 completado o la carta debe presentarse a USDA por:
(1) correo:
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; o
(2) fax:
(833) 256-1665 o (202) 690-7442; o
(3) correo electrónico:
Esta institución es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.

Click on the links below to access our Wellness Plan Policy.





Fax: 407-604-4442